Photos from the American Labor Museum

PCCC's Betsy Marinace set up a luncheon for the Pals plus membership meeting.
Students reporting to Chef Louis Hernandez cooked, baked and served a fabulous luncheon!
Designer Handbag Bingo 2019

Cookbook Club's Cookie Exchange

Halloween Parade!

Healthy Spooky Snacks with Danielle from shoprite

Fall PJ Party, children painted pumpkins and watched It's The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown

Bailey our Therapy Dog visits the library!

Harry Potter Pumpkins made by members of the Harry Potter Book Club!

Pride day 2019. A special thank you to our magician Bob Conrad!
Our September adult craft!

One of our Storytime's led by Miss. Miana, where the children made pineapples!

Saying goodbye to 2019's summer reading program "A Universe of Stories" with a Mary Ellen and Bob from Company's Coming! puppet show written for our library!

Week 2 of our 2 week Art Academy program this summer and the children designed their solar system with oil pastels!

Our summer reading balloon astronaut mascot made by one of our volunteers!

Harry Potter Book Club Quidditch party!

Some crafts, Voldemort, Snowy Owls, Wands and bookmarks, from our Harry Potter Book Club.

Astrology with Crystal B. Astrology

4th of July Cupcake Decorating Class
with Luis Vargas, baker from ShopRite of Lincoln Park!

Robot Craft turned Robot Stem activity!

Reptile Roadhouse joined our storytime with a few friends for "S is for Snake"!

Miss. Monica and her storytime celebrated "Rock Your Socks For World Down Syndrome Day" with special guest Yaretzy

"Paws to Read" with Bailey the Therapy Dog

Dennis Dilorenzo

Week 1 of our 2 week Art Academy program this summer. The children colored rocketships!

Summer reading craft "Design your own planet with flour paint!

Harry Potter Book Club group shots and the Sorcerer's hat!

Ultimate Spider-Man Pajama Party Photos! The children made superhero masks and then watched episodes of "Ultimate Spider-Man"

Cookbook Club

Adult craft: Beachcomber Candle Holder!

Q is for Quack!

Miss. Jodie from Glenwild Garden Center joined storytime to teach the children how to plant pumpkins and sunflowers!

Egg Dyeing and Peep Tasting event!

Patti Perugino receiving her fresh fruits and veggies from Field Goods!

Peter Pan Pajama Party

History of Bloomingdale in pictures with Tom Riley. September 14th.

Thank you to Officer Conrad, Firefighter's Emily, Tammy, and Vinny, Jordan Transportion's Rebecca, and Girl Scout's Katie and Emily for our Back to School Safety program!

Cookbook Clubs: Salad Night!

Children's Yoga!

Our flowers from the library board for National Library Worker's Day!

Photos from Art Academy!

Our 2018 Fish and Chips fundraiser!

Plant Night: Wine Glass Succulents!

Summer Reading Program Finale: Jason "Malletman" Taylor!

The Life and Music of Elvis Presley: Featuring Ruben Castillo!

Some tasty treats from our cookbook club!

Queen's Tea Party 2018!

Girl Scout's Safety Program!

Photos from our Book Sale!

Our annual "Santa Visits the Library" event on December 1st was a huge success! Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

The police officers of Bloomingdale were kind enough to drop by the library and read a few stories the week of December 18! Thank you!

On December 5th, we welcomed the dietitian of ShopRite in Lincoln Park, Danielle Colombo, to talk to our story time kids about healthy holiday snacks!

Thanks to those who joined us at our LEGO Villages session on December 22nd! Have a wonderful holiday break!

PART 1: Thank you to all who attended Designer Handbag Bingo on November 10th! The night was a huge success and congrats once more to all of our lucky winners.

We had so much fun welcoming all our costumed kids to our Halloween Parade! It was a spooky and spectacular time!

The Bloomingdale Foundation for Literacy honored Jesse Bross on September 18, 2017 for his lavish donation of $2,000 to purchase a glass display case for the library.
The History of Bloomingdale Collection will be featured in the new display case.
PART 2: Thank you to all who attended Designer Handbag Bingo on November 10th! The night was a huge success and congrats once more to all of our lucky winners.

Some snaps from our Cookbook Book Club!
The club will resume in 2018;
make sure to sign up now!

On Wednesday, October 25th, we welcomed volunteer firefighters from the Bloomingdale Fire Department to our story time. Thank you for all you do to keep us safe, firefighters!

Pride Day 2017
We welcomed "Morley the Magician" to the library tent on September 23rd at DeLazier Field and participants of all ages were entertained!

August 4th - Visit from "Michelangelo", the Little Therapy Horse.

Adult Craft
Miss Agnes led a group of crafters in making decoupage tealight holders
on September 30th.

End of Summer Reading Celebration:
"Beauty and the Beast" Puppet Show!
Mary Ellen and Bob from Company's Coming! performed a wonderful show that the children participated in!
2017 Summer Reading Kickoff:
John Bertles presented, "Bash the Trash - Science, Sound and Sustainability"!

2016 Pride Day

An event during our 2015 Summer Reading Program, Every Hero Has a Story, featuring the Bloomingdale Fire Department.
Our first annual 'Santa Visits the Library' event, supported by Bloomingdale Mayor Jon Dunleavy.